David Simmonds
HCM Metrics
United States
David is the first Lead Auditor in the world for ISO 30414 Human Capital Management reporting. He is one of the UK representatives on the ISO Technical Committee 260, tasked with writing and revising all the International Standards for HR. As a global thought-leader, he is regularly called upon to present webinars, podcasts, and Masterclasses. Recently, he was a keynote speaker at a major international conference in Kuala Lumpur for an audience of 1,000 HR managers and directors. He has had consultancy assignments with Barclays Bank, Bank of Malaysia, Bloomberg, British Airways, British Telecom, GlaxoSmithKline, Heinz Foods, Royal Mail, Starwood Hotels, and Triton Investment Advisers, among many others. He holds. an M.Sc. in Human Resource Development and is currently undertaking a Professional Doctorate at the University of London in Evidence-Based HR
05-Mar-2025Ask the Experts in the Library - Hall 10Ask the Experts: David Simmonds, HCM Metrics | Topic: Why HR Analytics? – Regulations and Standards
05-Mar-2025The Lounge - Hall 11People Analytics, HR Transformation, and International Standards